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Catalina Labor Day Weekend Trip!

From: Camp R.
Sent on: Saturday, July 30, 2016, 10:02 PM

Ready to have some fun over Labor Day Weekend,

We are all really excited about Sierra Club Catalina trip over Labor Day weekend (9/3-9/5) this year!  There are 270 people signed up for the trip.  We are capping the trip at 298 this year, unless we can get more boat space. So if you want to go – sign up and pay so you don’t miss out.

This trip has it all:  Kayaking, Paddle Boarding, world class snorkeling, hiking, volleyball, beautiful coastline, relaxing, professional dance lessons, yoga, campfire singing, DJ,and lots of fun. This trip is not camping; you staying in tent structures with tents (already set up) or rustic one-room cabins (up to 7 people).  All the food is prepared for us, and yes it is great. Amazing coffee every morning too!

To sign up – go to and make payment.

Captain Ron


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