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Re: [Wise-Womens-Circle] Retreats along the Gorge!

From: Annie
Sent on: Friday, January 1, 2010, 11:02 AM
Thanks Kim! Our event is open for the dates, please let me know what will work for your schedule. 

"Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances." Mahatma Gandhi


L & L, Annie

From: Kim <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Thu, December 31,[masked]:55:28 AM
Subject: RE: [Wise-Womens-Circle] Retreats along the Gorge!

I would so do this if it is on a weekend that I don't have my kids...

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: [Wise-Womens-Circle] Retreats along the Gorge!
Date: Thu, 31 Dec[masked]:51:24 -0500

There is a beautiful lodge in Stevenson, Wash. Columbia Gorge Riverside Lodge ( that is "bordered by public parks east and west, with fully-oufitted kitchenettes, gas fireplaces, shared and private spas, outdoor decks facing the river, and low rates, guests are provided exceptional value and a memorable stay." Stevenson is at mile marker 44. The Lodge is at a beautiful feminine vortex energy :). Each cabin is fitted for many guests per cabin, depending on the cabin's size.

I would like to see who is interested in a future whole-soul healing/Electromagnetic Frequency Energy and exchanging readings retreat. We could stay a weekend or just over night.

Bonneville Hot Springs is (mile marker 38.5) near by, with their spa:

Total cost would be for the lodging (split with everyone who comes) and or any spa therapy if you like! Anyone who is interested, please let me know. I don't have any set dates yet, we'd need to make our arrangements approximately 2 - 3 months in advance.

This is a great opportunity, reasonable prices, and with a group of far out women!

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