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RE: [Wise-Womens-Circle] Retreats along the Gorge!

From: Judie
Sent on: Saturday, January 2, 2010, 5:43 PM
This sounds lovely!  Depending on time and money, I would love to participate in an event like this  :-)
I also have a Women's Spiritual Empowerment Retreat planned at Salishan Lodge on March 13th.  Would love for the wonderful women of this group to participate  :-) 
Happy and Blessed New Year to all!

Judie K. Lindquist
Paragon Healing
World Wide Healing Organization
Healing for you, your pet, and the world!


From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Annie
Sent: Thursday, December 31,[masked]:51 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [Wise-Womens-Circle] Retreats along the Gorge!

There is a beautiful lodge in Stevenson, Wash. Columbia Gorge Riverside Lodge ( that is "bordered by public parks east and west, with fully-oufitted kitchenettes, gas fireplaces, shared and private spas, outdoor decks facing the river, and low rates, guests are provided exceptional value and a memorable stay." Stevenson is at mile marker 44. The Lodge is at a beautiful feminine vortex energy :). Each cabin is fitted for many guests per cabin, depending on the cabin's size.

I would like to see who is interested in a future whole-soul healing/Electromagnetic Frequency Energy and exchanging readings retreat. We could stay a weekend or just over night.

Bonneville Hot Springs is (mile marker 38.5) near by, with their spa:

Total cost would be for the lodging (split with everyone who comes) and or any spa therapy if you like! Anyone who is interested, please let me know. I don't have any set dates yet, we'd need to make our arrangements approximately 2 - 3 months in advance.

This is a great opportunity, reasonable prices, and with a group of far out women!

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