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Join us tonight!

From: Katy F.
Sent on: Thursday, July 26, 2012, 10:35 AM

Hello everyone,

Please join us tonight to at Ralphie's to actively network with fellow real estate investors in our area!  Be prepared with a 30 second talk about what you do/provide, and what would help you move forward in your investing business. 

Bring your deals to share, tell everyone what you're looking for and what you need, and be ready to learn ways to help support and grow your business.  Remember to bring your business cards to share for our active networking time.

We will be taking a look at a variety of internet sites that provide free and low-cost resources to help us in our investing business.  Please bring your laptops so you can be actively involved in looking at the sites.  Also, please bring the names of sites that provide great resources to you in your real estate investing business.

Please RSVP so we are prepared with enough resources for everyone.  Hope to see you tonight!

Happy investing,



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