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Re: [webcms-53] Joomla Question Backups...

From: Kelsey B.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 25, 2014, 9:24 PM
To be honest I'd probably switch hosts - php 5.2 was end-of-lifed in 2011, making it extremely out of date. It's also[masked]% slower than 5.3 on the same hardware and has unpatched security vulnerabilities. Not something you want to deal with in a Joomla install.

You can still download older versions of Akeeba backup - any version prior to those released mid 2012 should be fine.

I'd grab one of the older versions, run a backup and then use it to get away from your existing host!

Best regards,
Kelsey Brookes
[masked]  //
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On 25 February[masked]:12, john keays <[address removed]> wrote:
To Joomla webcm-53 group,

At the moment I am using Joomla 2.5 as that is what was set up previously.

I downloaded akeema to do the backup and it needed php 5.3.1.  So does Joomla 3.2

The ISP only use 5.2.x for PHP so that stops me getting Joomla 3.0+ etc.

What can I use to backup the site.

Should I make this request through meetup or direct as per email address...

Wouldn't mind having a full session on backups.  Its important...


John Keays

John Keays, Keays Software Civil design software
Joomla web site manager account for
Keays Licence management account and user access.....

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