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Local Author Exhibit

From: David W.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 29, 2012, 5:36 PM

The Local Author Exhibit highlights the intellectual and creative accomplishments of writers in the San Diego region. In its 47th year, the aim of the Exhibit is to bring exposure to local talent and nurture the pursuit of the writing arts in San Diego. A call for submissions goes out in early fall each year, alerting all San Diego County authors who have published books in the current year to submit them.

The Exhibit runs the entire month of February 2013, located in the Lobby of the Central Library. Participants are invited to attend a special exhibition preview and reception prior to the public unveiling. Submitted publications are also exhibited in an online gallery, along with author photos, brief biographies, and brief publishing information.

For more information:

Or contact Rachel at [address removed] or[masked].

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