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Free eBook marketing and publishing events

From: David W.
Sent on: Friday, May 2, 2014, 8:37 AM

Hi everyone,

This coming Tuesday evening I am the guest speaker in La Jolla on the topic of optimizing your book's presence on Amazon (SEO stuff). The Meetup is San Diego Self-Publishing. I'm not sure about capacity but there are already 19 people signed-up.

I'll also be at the La Mesa library on 5/10, this time talking about eBook publishing basics, link here. This is their annual Authors and Artists event and a lot of fun.

Finally, today is the last day to sign-up for a free pass to the Book Marketing Challenge. This is a virtual event that lasts for 30 days and there are 39 other contributors besides me.

Btw, I might offer this Tuesday evening "SEO for books" event later this month. Let me know if you would be interested.


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