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Fw: Red Hat before the open Fri.

From: tom l.
Sent on: Friday, June 19, 2015, 9:02 AM

Just a follow up on RHT before the open as an example of calling stocks before and after earnings announcements.

Sent from Windows Mail

From: Tom Lloyd
Sent: ‎Friday‎, ‎June‎ ‎19‎, ‎2015 ‎8‎:‎58‎ ‎AM
To: [address removed]

RHT is trading 77-78 before the open. Several analysts have raised their targets. That will make it difficult to take price down by very much. But I think price will have a very difficult time breaking the double top at 79-80 because no analyst has come up with a target above 89. And 89 is the  price I used to conclude the current target is 75 or lower. That will simply be a test below the 50-day uptrend. Looks like the shorts will have to wait until next quarter to hope for a meaningful pullback.

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