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Air force One

From: JC F.
Sent on: Sunday, November 23, 2014, 9:11 AM

from a 99, thought y'all might want to check it out



99SNETWORK Digest for Saturday, November 22, 2014.


1. AOPA Air Force One Video




Subject: AOPA Air Force One Video

From: "Susan Liebeler" <[address removed]>

Date: Sat, 22 Nov[masked]:19:06 -0800

X-Message-Number: 1


Barry Schiff and AOPA made a fabulous video about the history of Air Force One on permanent display at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, CA.



Barry also has a great article about Air Force One in this month's edition

of AOPA magazine.   His love and respect for the plane are evident in the

article and video.




Susan Liebeler, International & Ventura County 99s Fundraising Chair


[masked];[masked] (cell);  <mailto:[address removed]>

[address removed]













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