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Howdy from your new "organizer" :-D

From: user 8.
Sent on: Saturday, January 31, 2009, 10:41 AM
Hi Everyone

On a whim, I agreed to organise this meetup group.

Who am I? Check out

I started my career in advertising and film production, then moved into internet development. My first big project was an ecommerce/business process management application for TelstraClear Mobile in New Zealand. Then I designed and developed an Enterprise Content Management solution and took it to market, winning Flight Centre, Commbank, Telstra, Louis Vuitton, Americas Cup and others as our clients. I'm passionate about usability, the technologies we use to realise these solutions... and love to learn about new ideas.

Firstly, what I'd like to do is hear back from all members on some key questions:

a) What do you want out of this group/why did you join?
b) What is your current position/in which area of 'internet' do you specialise?

Basically, I'm looking for your input into "what you'd like to be doing in future meetups" as well as get a good understanding of what you guys (in the gender neutral sense of the word) do... is it analyst/programmer? Or client-side developer? Or account manager? Or BA/strategist?

I have a lot of ideas - which I'll pitch to you in the next few days (I'd like to be guided by your responses to these questions instead of shooting in the dark... after alll, you guys are actually more experienced at the "meetup" thing than I am...)

Look forward to hearing from you!



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