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Re: [scooter-229] Scooter Drama

From: Ryan
Sent on: Wednesday, September 5, 2012, 8:35 PM
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On Sep 5, 2012, at 8:32 PM, Michael <[address removed]> wrote:

Hi all!


I first off would like to apologize for another email, and the tone of which things were announced and communicated to the group. This is a social group that is meant for people to get together and have fun riding scooters. There shouldn't be this much drama as we try to build this group into an enjoyable club to be a part of.


To try and address the questions regarding Janice leaving the group and being banned.....


There were a number of complaints about her riding dangerously and it was a big concern to the leaders that all people attending our events feel safe. After much thought Linda decided she needed to be honest with Janice and address the situation directly with her. Unfortunately Janice's response was disturbing. I have personally read both the email from Linda to Janice and the response from Janice. The response was curse word filled and Janice said she did not want to have to follow rules. The response was very immature as Linda just asked her to take things seriously and ride with more caution. She was indeed giving Janice  the opportunity to continue riding with the group, but Janice in her hostel response expressed ,in a very colorful way, that she no longer wanted to be apart of this group.


I hope this answers some questions about this.


I hope that we can put this behind us and focus on having fun, riding scooters, and building this group to a group that all people want to be a part of. I wish we didn't have to loose a member of this newly formed group, but what's done is done, and we need to move on.


Let's ride folks!

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