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New Meetup: Gather round a fire

From: Tim
Sent on: Tuesday, December 28, 2010, 11:27 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Monmouth-Ocean County NJ Green Singles Social Group!

What: Gather round a fire

When: Saturday, January 15,[masked]:00 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Mark your calendars for January 15.

The Green Singles will be having a winter potluck at a private residence with a fireplace in Matawan starting at 6:00PM on January 15th. Please bring a Vegetarian or Vegan dish or something Vegetarian or Vegan to eat.

Bring pillows to sit on and BYOB (bring some of your favorite beverage and some to share with others.)

Folks from Asbury Park or the Red Bank area might like the train ride to avoid traffic and maybe enjoy an extra drink or two. Taxis from Aberdeen-Matawan Train Station are about $7. Also, please post to the message boards if you want to share a ride.

Here is the NJ Transit website for train schedules and rates:

FYI: The Green Singles Potlucks are always exceptional events with great SINGLE people and LOTS of delicious food; not an event that you want to miss.

The host has scrabble, pictionary and scribbage to play if the mood strikes. Feel free to bring favorite music, videos or favorite board game that you would like us to check out.

I will email the address to all those who RSVP "yes" about a week ahead of time.

Note: this house contains an American Shorthair cat. We probably won't see her, but take note if you have allergies.

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