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13th Anniversary Manatee Cafe vegan buffet 6/10

From: Deborrah H.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 6, 2012, 12:59 PM
Join us for our Manatee Cafe gathering this Sunday, 5:30, June 10 in St. Augustine. Please RSVP to me either by return email [address removed] or by calling (904)[masked] if you or others can attend. Manatee specifics follow.
This is a vegan buffet dinner we do in addition to our monthly Meetup.event, and we're celebrating our 13th year! Hope you can make it!

Manatee's number [masked]
Cheryl's cell phone (904) [masked]
Westgate Plaza #106, SR 16, St. Augustine
From I-95, on east SR 16, fiive miles on right
From US 1, go west on SR 16, one mile on left
$12 inclusive (dessert, tip, etc.) $10 kids under 12

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