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Re: [NOVA-Atheists] Request for input on meeting venues for the Reston/Herndon meetup.

From: user 1.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 19, 2013, 4:21 PM
Thanks, Eric. Those look like good possibilities, although Chantilly may be too far for the Marylanders.
Also this Wednesday may not be good for most people. Perhaps next week would allow more to attend?


On Tuesday, March 19, 2013, nondescript wrote:
My suggestions:
Lost Rhino, Ashburn - Not a quiet place, but great beer.
Euro Bistro, Herndon - Not loud. Good German food.
Dogfish Alehouse, Chantilly - They have a room that can be used for large groups, great beer.

On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 12:12 PM, Gloria Chepko <[address removed]> wrote:
Hello NoVA Atheists, I need everyone to provide some input about potential meeting places, because there have been many requests to find a quieter venue than Vapiano. Last month we tried Amphora Diner, and there has been a strong objection to this by one person. There has been a counter suggestion to, this time at least, try the Iranian Buffet at the WorldGate Center in Herndon. Please give us your thoughts. Thanks! I also apologize for the short notice for this month's meetup, but my personal schedule has been chaotic this month and it was the third week of March before I knew it. Thanks Everyone, Gloria

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