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Action Alert! Stand with Gov. Perry Today

From: Dean W.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 19, 2014, 10:25 AM
Action Alert!

As your know, Governor Perry has been indicted by a Travis County grand jury for exercising his CONSTITUTIONAL right to veto legislation for the state funding of the Travis County District attorney's office. 


The Wall Street Journal called this case The Texas Chainsaw Prosecution. Conservative leaders like Bobby Jindal, Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, Sean Hannity and Erick Erickson have rallied around Governor Perry. Even David Axelrod called the prosecution “sketchy.”


Today, Tuesday August 19th, is our turn to rally around Governor Perry. A group of supporters are gathering outside the courthouse tomorrow after the Governor goes through the “booking process”, where he will hold a press conference. 


Governor Perry has done so much for our state and stood up against the abuse of government power. Please come stand with him so that we can show the country that we will NOT PUT UP WITH THIS! 


WHEN: 5:00 PM




Blackwell-Thurman Criminal Justice Center

509 W. 11th St.

Austin, TX 78701


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