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Magento 2 B2B Demo Thursday! Free Food & Beer!

From: Ross J.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 29, 2017, 1:09 PM

My friends at Jamersan, a Magento Certified Partner, have started the Nashville Magento Meetup Group. Join us this Thursday night for free food & beer!

Already work with Magento? In the market for a great enterprise e-commerce solution?

Join us Thursday, 8/31 @ The Refinery as we demo the new Magento 2 with B2B eCommerce functionality!

We'll have sandwiches, chips, soft drinks, and a selection of local craft beers! Get details & RSVP here:

Hope to see you Thursday night! Let me know if there's anything I can do to help you.

Thanks, Ross cell:[masked]

[address removed]

PS: Get multiple copies of this email? Make sure you're a member of our main Meetup Group: