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Just a reminder....

From: L.A. H.
Sent on: Sunday, October 12, 2008, 9:05 PM
Hello exciting group!

Just a quick reminder that ticket prices will be going up soon for our ALWAYS fun "Bring A Bottle & Share Party!"

It is going to be an amazing night with fun ice breakers and contests!
Bring A Bottle & Share Event!

Also, Marseille restaurant on 9th ave and 44th street, has hired me as Maitre'D, stop by and treat your taste buds to chef Andy D'Amico's savory dishes while I remind you what it's like to be treated like a V.I.P. special guest!
Call[masked] for reservations and mention my name so I know you are coming.
(Click the link below for a mouth watering experience!)

Thank you again and I look forward to see you soon!
LeeAnne Homsey

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