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New Meetup: Wimp Disc Golf

From: Cindy 1.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 25, 2010, 5:44 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The FAN Alliance!

What: Wimp Disc Golf

When: Saturday, September 4,[masked]:30 AM

Where: Muldoon Park
Pelham, NH 03076

Join me for a few hours of fun tossing a disc around in the woods. Disc golf is fun and you don't have to be that good. We will play the 18 holes while walking the wooded path. It's great exercise too. Free discs can be picked up at the store. When were done we can enjoy lunch from their sandwich counter or maybe a movie somewhere. I'm open to either ( chunkeys? )
Please wear good shoes , bring water and bug spray. Come on out and have some laughs. We always have a good time.

Any Cindy[masked]

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