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Kollaboration DC Show

From: H. D.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 7, 2011, 5:28 PM

I'd thought I send this email out to you guys who might be interested in getting some friends to for next weekend. It is the 2nd annual Kollaboration show. They are one of 10 major cities that puts on an annual event that showcases Asian American talent in the entertainment field; dance, singing, and performing arts. Think Asian American Idol. . Watch the video mashup they did of artists, Micky Manaj, One Republic, and Pitbull.

This year's notable judges include a producer from Fox 5 and Richard On, guitarist for the rock band, O.A.R.

It is a cause I personally champion as I know Asian folks can do more than just engineer and doctor it up. They can bboy, sing, and entertain as well :)

Attend the show, meet people, and party it up afterwards at the afterparty at Club District




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