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New Meetup: The Chakra series by Eleanor! Part 1

From: duchess
Sent on: Friday, October 3, 2008, 5:58 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Newburgh & Cornwall Witches Meetup Group!

What: The Chakra series by Eleanor! Part 1

When: October 16,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $35.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: This workshop is comprised of seven sessions one for each chakra. This workshop is informative and also hands on..With each session there will be information about that particular chakra explaining full the qualities, purpose, connctions and effects of that chakra. There will also be given methods to cleanse and maintain the health of that chakra. Handouts and diagrams will be given so that student can create a folder of information that can be utilized after each class session. There will also be instruction on how to learn to feel, see and sense the chakra's in one's self and in another person, in short, to learn how to read a chakra's energy. For each session I will channel as to how best handle whatever imbalances that may exist.

Learn more here: