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Getting rid of many new age books, dvd's, cd's etc

From: user 8.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 14, 2009, 4:14 PM
Hello everyone,
   joined the group earlier this month.  I am doing some summer cleaning and have many books, cd's, and dvd's that I am going to give to goodwill.  All of these are along the lines of new age stuff.  Here's a list:
Carol Tuttle (EFT master) - manifesting more money boot camp (DVD and CD set)
TAT - DVDs (trauma and allergies, TAT workshop)
Ramtha books and DVD's
Access Energy Transformation CD's and DVD's
Yuen Method books and CD
Donna Eden Energy Medicine Book and DVD's
Louise Hay books
Matrix energetics Book, DVD, and CD
Eckhart Tolle -Power of Now CD's
Sarah Bierman CD's - Activation of Lemurian Lovings
SpoonBending Kit CDs
Chakra Meditation CD (Chakra Dhyana)
Moola Mantra CD
Messages from the Body (Very thick bounded book)  by Michael J. Lincoln
Secrets of the Psychic State by Keoi Lani
The 7 Healing Chakras book by Brenda Davies
If any of you are network marketing, I also have some cd's by Dani Johnson
If you aren't familiar with any of this stuff, just put in a google search or give me call.  I live in Gretna.  I'm not looking to sell any of this, I'm looking to give it a way.  If you're interested in any of this stuff, let me know.  I will taking this stuff to goodwill on Saturday.
Marnyka Z. Buttry

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