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Re: [OpenTechSchool-Brussels] Lazy July

From: Friedger
Sent on: Saturday, July 19, 2014, 10:17 AM

There is also the
And some activities are planned around the codeeu week.


On Jul 18,[masked]:42 PM, "Gert Leenders" <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi Patrick,

If you plan to organise a "Teaching kids to program with Scratch" workshop i would also take a look at
They probably can you support with this as well...


On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 5:29 PM, Patrick Feeney <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi Roman,

I would be interested in creating a workshop entitled "Teaching kids to program with Scratch" for later this summer perhaps even as early as the end of July.  I have one or two other interested workshop leaders and already a few guaranteed attendees.  Last month I mentioned the idea to Hugo who seemed willing to attend and help out as needed.

N.B. Scratch is a visual programming language designed for kids by the MIT Media Lab.  It is used as the primary language at schools and kids' programming clubs including here in Brussels at the Coder Dojo where I am a volunteer.

Patrick Feeney

On 7 July[masked]:20, Roman Miletitch <[address removed]> wrote:

Hello learners from all horizons,
Nope, OTS is not dead, far from it. July seems just to be a bit of a lazy month.
We have already workshop in the making for August, hope to see you there!

Beside, if you're interested in hosting or creating workshop (even in August!) be sure to let me and/or the organiser team know, we'll help you finding or making the course and for the organisation.

Happy summer!

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Met vriendelijk groeten,
Gert Leenders

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