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From: Kevin M.
Sent on: Sunday, July 17, 2016, 10:06 AM
We are looking for several of the best of the best senior PHP developers. Relocation packages available.

As a senior developer, you will be responsible for developing and launching great products for the automotive industry. The ideal candidate must be passionate about software development, and current in industry leading technologies. You will work with top web developers in our downtown Lakeland, FL office.

The position requires the ability to work proactively in a fast-paced environment and to assist in the all aspects of the development phase - from planning through execution, deployment and testing. We are looking for someone with significant development and programming experience.

We believe in the "Work Hard, Play Harder Mentality"! Our office is located at the heart of Downtown Lakeland. We offer competitive salaries, health insurance, paid vacation time, 401k & team oriented environment.

Best Regards,


Chief Technology Officer | Co-Founder

fusionZONE Automotive

402 South Kentucky Ave, Suite 210
Lakeland, FL 33801

P: (863)[masked]
E: [address removed]

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