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Don't miss guest speaker this week at PBN

From: Michelle W.
Sent on: Monday, June 6, 2016, 4:25 PM

Join Us For Our Weekly Meeting
We normally have over 40 plus people every week! We would love to have you be part of our PBN family!

We Meet Every Wednesday
11:30 - 1:00 (1:30 when we have a guest speaker)
Where: 2200 Morriss Rd., suite 300
Flower Mound, TX 75028

Cost: $15.00
(the meeting is $15.00, lunch is FREE that way it is a 100% write off)
Bring business cards and flyers to hand out. Come, have lots of fun and be ready to do business! This group is not ashamed to say that we are about "SHOW ME THE MONEY"! You can make an incredible income by developing the right relationships and by referrals, if you do it right! Let us show you how!


Leading with a Commitment to Success
Leadership is at the forefront of all successful business operations. Leaders have a choice to lead their business into the future with a strategy that has been proven to create outrageous profit and powerful brand recognition. When leaders evolve their current operations into a humanistic business approach they simply create smart business. This competitive edge is a method that is proven to produce greater profit, establish higher stakeholder loyalty and creates a brand where people desire to belong and contribute.
When you have a business that people rave about, people want to work for, suppliers want to supply to, and it enjoys a high level of repeat business, then you have the evidence of a humanistic business at play. This is the future of free enterprise and if you don’t begin the transformation to bring these principles into your daily operations, then your competitors will.
The entire strategy begins with your leadership competencies, whether you are a solo entrepreneur, run a small company, or lead a large organization, the strategy remains the same and its effective results increase brand power and profit.
Don’t run your business with blinders on. The first steps are to establish clarity commitment and a plan forward. Is it time for you to get serious about your success? If so then committed to attending PBN June 8th meeting.


Feel free to contact me with any questions:  Sandy Luedke -[masked]

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