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Re: Re: [Pitch-to-Developers] Need a couple more presenters!

From: Vui N.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 19, 2012, 9:17 AM
Hi everyone! 

I agree with Thomas Coler. As a freelance developer, I generally can't take on projects for equity. Unless of course, I feel like the project is a great idea, and I already have some steady work going on and can afford to do some "free" work on the side. Another option for pitchers who want to attract developers like me, is to offer cash to build small prototypes or proof of concept demos. The prototype period could be a test period for both the pitcher and developer. If the partnership is a good fit, the two can decide to continue working together. If not, the pitcher now has a prototype/demo to show potential investors and the developer at least got paid for their effort.
Vui Nguyen
Certified Titanium Mobile Developer (Android, iOS)
Organizer |
Sunfish Empire LLC |

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