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Monday Night Meetup-- Dance Party

From: Bob
Sent on: Friday, May 20, 2016, 12:59 PM

Hi To All PC Members--

We hope to see a large gathering of members at the MNM Dance Event 0n 5/23 with a great DJ. To date we are uncharacteristically light for attendance to a venue where we have entertainment.  If you intend on coming Monday please register early for it and consider bringing some friends (they do not have to be members). For those of you who attended the holiday party at the Biltmore, we hired WRIK as DJ for that night and he (Rick Lataille) did a great job along with the Travis Colby Band.  So WRIK is on board for Monday at The Village and it promises to be another memorable evening. So please take a moment to register and bring friends.  Hope you can join us!!!




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