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Hypnotherapy to activate your Psychic & Mediumship Ability

From: Tina
Sent on: Monday, June 5, 2017, 11:06 AM

Hello Everyone !!

Many students asked me " how can i increase my clairvoyant gift ? " , " i am not psychic but i would like to be, can you help me? " . " how can i see and commuinicate with spirits ? "

Those are few of many similar questions i received throughout the years of teaching and I always tell my students that you must learn to slow down and lower your brainwave into at least " Alpha " frequency , but if you can take your brainwave lower into " Theta " frequency or even just between " Alpha -Theta " , all of you will have these powerful Psychic or Channeling Ability .

I found that most students have a hard time doing it by themselves . I also found that most who came to my hypnosis sessions, they were able to increase their psychic or mediumship gift tremendously .

Description of Session :

*** in each session , i will guide you into lower your brain frequency into deep " Alpha or Theta "in order for you to tune in the frequency of Love & Light

*** I will teach you different tools to activate psychic , Mediumship or channeling skills

*** This is a one on one session and it takes about 1 1/2 to 2 hours each session

*** you will need more than one session to enhance your gift .  i recommend 3 sessions for you to see result .

*** 3 sessions with me is $ 250 ( must pay in full before first session starts )

*** any questions,email me [address removed] or text me /call[masked]


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