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Re: [bostonQS] Adrenaline and Cortisol

From: Bill S.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 22, 2011, 11:24 AM
Dave Marvit from Fujitsu Laboratories of America mentioned at the QS conference that by using ear lobe sensor (pulse?) and a finger-tip sensor (SPO2, pulse) they were close to being able to infer real-time blood pressure. I think by measuring the delta in pulse modulation between the two sensors.

On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 9:56 AM, cathy kerr <[address removed]> wrote:
salimetrics does salivary cortisol -- I think the best salivary collection focuses on cortisol on waking and then 45 minutes or so later... Salimetrics should have some info on their web site

On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 7:43 AM, John Moore <[address removed]> wrote:

I'm not entirely sure, but think this can be measured through saliva. At least, cortisol levels can be measured in this way. Don't know of any ways it can be done at home yet. The easiest other way to monitor stress would probably be galvanic skin response, for which both Basis and Affectiva are developing wrist devices. Fluctuations in blood pressure offer a good corollary as well, but don't know of anyone developing something that measures that constantly.

What was the lead in for these conversations? And by that, I guess I mean what were their reasons for telling you to monitor cortisol?

This message was sent from a phone. Please excuse the brevity and any typos I may have missed.

Have a great day,

-John Moore
CEO and Co-Founder

On Nov 22,[masked]:10 AM, "Ken Snyder" <[address removed]> wrote:
I have talked to three celebrity life coaches / personal trainers this week who have all stated the importance of measuring adrenaline or cortisol levels. What I was wondering was if anyone from this group had any of the following:

  • Links or references to good material on how one can measure this today
  • Links or references to any developments that may being worked on to make the measurement of this easier, less expensive, or better in some other way
  • Obviously this inquiry is related to stress measurements, if you have other ways you've found are good indicators of stress I'd be interested to hear about them and how you go about measuring them

Ken Snyder

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Catherine Kerr, PhD
Assistant Professor 
Department of Family Medicine
Director of Translational Neuroscience
Contemplative Studies Initiative 
Brown University

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