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Today is the first day!

From: Nidal
Sent on: Wednesday, June 1, 2016, 8:05 AM

Hey Everyone,

Let me apologize again if you're getting this email more than once, I'm sending it to members of all my groups and if you belong to more than one, you'll get this email more than once. I also promise this will be the last one I send like this, but it's kind of a good cause... Onto the reason for this email...

This June I'm taking part in the Great Cycle Challenge and my goal is to pedal 150 miles throughout the month to fight kids' cancer! Why am I doing this? Because cancer is the largest killer of children from disease in the United States - 38 children die of cancer every week! Kids should be living life, not fighting for it. Also, because I like to bike.

The challenge will be tough but nothing compared to what these brave kids face every day as they fight for their lives and battle this terrible disease. And so to show my support I am taking on my own personal challenge to raise $500 towards cancer research to give these kids the brighter futures they deserve. But to achieve my goal, I need your help.

Please support my challenge and join me in the fight to save little lives by making a donation through my fundraising page located here:

Any amount will help, small or large, but support is greatly appreciated. All funds raised will support Children's Cancer Research Fund to continue their work to develop innovative treatments and find a cure for childhood cancer.

Thank you for your support.


PS Even if you're unable to donate, you're welcome to use the link above to track my progress.

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