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Attention Members !!

From: Kevin M.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 25, 2013, 1:32 PM



Happy Holidays to you and your family!

As we wrap up the year we wanted to thank you and everyone who is part of our extended family across the country. We have had so many members and students achieve wonderful things this year both personally and professionally. We thank you for all your hard work, dedication, commitment to others within the Real Estate Millionaire Mastermind community! What makes our community so unique is everyone's commitment to a deeper purpose beyond just building a real estate business. It's about being part of something bigger, creating change and bettering the world around us. 

I am honored to be part of this community and to be surrounded by so many people who are truly changing the world we live in.

Happy Holidays, 
Kevin Melendez, Allen Chaney

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