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R: [reggioenglish] Meetup details changed: Game night at the Villa Giulia

From: user 1.
Sent on: Saturday, September 18, 2010, 12:30 AM

sono assessore a Viano, cerco insegnante lingua inglese, giovane.


barbara rompianesi

----Messaggio originale----
Da: [address removed]
Data: 17/09/[masked]
A: <[address removed]>
Ogg: [reggioenglish] Meetup details changed: Game night at the Villa Giulia

I've updated this Meetup. For more details, see the full listing:

When: Saturday, September 18,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Villa Giulia
Via Roma
Sant'Ilario d'Enza, RE

If the changes affect your plans to attend, please take a moment to update your RSVP. (You can RSVP "No" or "Yes".)

You can always get in touch with me through the "Contact Organizer" link on Meetup:

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Questo messaggio �� stato inviato da Bonnie ([address removed]) di Reggio Emilia, Modena, Parma and Bologna English Meetup.
Per ulteriori informazioni su Bonnie, visita il suo profilo

Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]