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Next Month - A discussion with the author!

From: Neil V
Sent on: Sunday, May 26, 2013, 3:09 PM

Hello everyone,

I've put up the details for next month's meeting, but I'm moving the meeting forward a couple weeks to July 13th to accommodate the schedule of UCSD Professor Steve Erie, the author of next month's book, who will be joining us in person for our book discussion.  I'm very excited to have the actual author of one of our books join us to talk about his book and a range of local issues.  Professor Erie is extremely smart and personable and I'm certain our discussion will be extremely informative.

That being said, I want to make sure as many people read next month's book, "Paradise Plundered" ( as is possible and to come with questions for Professor Erie.

I hope we can generate an enthusiastic turnout for the occasion, and feel free to bring any friends or interested parties you might know to the event.



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