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San Diego PHP Update

From: John C.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 3, 2012, 9:01 AM

Hey Everyone,

I am in San Diego!!!! :)

We are off to a strong start, and have over 25 RSVPs.  Please keep your RSVP up to date, if you find you can't make it, please change your status.  I have seen some do it, so thank you for that.  This will help in planning the space and the pizza.

From the polls, it looks like most of us want to see presentations, so please use to add suggestions of talks you are interested in hearing/giving.  Please include if you are willing to give the talk.  And take the time to vote on the suggestions so that we as a group know what is most popular.

Today, I am sitting outside the Starbucks in the Highlands shopping center in Carmel Valley if anyone is in the area.

Looking forward to the 19th.

John Congdon


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