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New version of "Kids Reading Logs" is available now

From: Jason
Sent on: Tuesday, October 15, 2013, 10:53 PM
Dear All,

A new version of "Kids Reading Logs" is available now in iTunes Store, some cool features like manual entry, iCloud backup  were added into this version.


1. Search books from Amazon (Children books only)
2. Customise your own books if they are not found by searching
3. Clock timer to track how long the reading lasts
4. Manually enter reading logs by selecting date and time
5. Allow kids to leave comments and select reading moods
6. Summarise all reading activities and data for each profile
7. Parents/teacher can review the reading logs and award badges
8. Support multiple profiles
9. Passcode protection for awarding badges and profile management 
10. iCloud backup

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to let me know.

iThoughts Team