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Support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Today

From: David D.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 23, 2013, 1:45 AM


Last year, SAAF (along with the Sacramento Area Coalition of Reason) raised nearly $5,000 to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS).

Within all of the Sacramento region (which includes Stockton and Modesto), we were the 4th largest group in donations and we were recognized at the Light the Night event with a giant tent, our banner proudly on display.

It's time to do it again -- but we're shooting for #1. We need your donation.

Click the link to donate:

If you feel inclined, join our fundraising efforts and click "Join Team" to create your own page and solicit donations from your friends. Or, just forward the above link to everyone you know. But do it today.

Every donation will be matched by the national Foundation Beyond Belief.

And consider joining us this Saturday evening at Raley Field for food, fun, and fighting cancer. Walk with us, behind our banner, showing Sacramento that we support the LLS.

More details about Saturday's event:

Together we can make a difference,

-David Diskin

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