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Tonight @6pm: Meet investors, present deals

From: Tanya
Sent on: Tuesday, December 4, 2018, 10:10 AM
Learn the skills to create Apps on a platform built for Founders:

The Alternative Investments Club is the largest investment club in NYC - made up of angels & VCs, CEOs & C-Suite executives, hedge fund managers, real estate investors, and private equity groups.

Come meet us tonight at 6pm inside The 40/40 Club. Bring a deal with you - we'd love to hear about it. We like investing in businesses and real estate that are making money.

When you get to The 40/40 Club, speak to the Hostess and ask for the "Investments Meetup". We'll be upstairs in Jay Z's lounge.

RSVP here:

See you at 6pm!

The 40/40 Club
6 W 25th St.
New York, NY 10010

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