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Study abroad plus travel and EAT!

From: R. Sergio S.
Sent on: Thursday, November 21, 2013, 10:43 AM

Next summer a group from the Meetup is departing for a multi-faceted trip to Italy.


The trip will include a week at Accademia Italiana a Salerno with classes in the morning, lunch in Salerno, a lecture right after lunch, and then off-site excursions to the lecture topic sites.  Dinners each night will be arranged in Salerno, along the Amalfi coast, and other locations.



Following this week there will be an optional four days visiting sites in Rome (dinners each night at selected restaurants), and then an optional week cruising to ports in Italy, Spain, and France.


The trip organizer is a Meetup member Lisa Stephens, and details are on-line at:

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