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Topic / Location selected for October 25th Chicago Cloud Meetup

From: Shawn D.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 11, 2011, 2:54 PM


We are happy to announce both the location and discussion topic for the October 25th Chicago Cloud Meetup!  I look forward to seeing everyone again as we discuss business benefits of Google Apps, a discussion led by Mitch Greenwald (founder of cloudbakers).

Also, we are looking for votes and ideas on the next topic in November.  We have presenters willing to talk about Microsoft Azure, implementing Chatter in a large enterprise, the idea and focus of the Social Enterprise, and other juicy topics of discussion.  Please feel free to post up to the Meetup Group or reply to this mailing list.


Shawn M. DeVries


Location: cloudbakers, 20 W. Kinzie St, Suite 1510, Chicago, IL

October Meetup Topic: "The Business Benefits of Google Apps"

Learn about the Google Apps platform and how the platform is a low
risk, high reward first step into the cloud for small to medium businesses.

Topics covered include:

 - Problems with current software and infrastructure
 - How the Google Apps platform is positioned to eliminate these issues
 - Components of the Google Apps platform
 - How the platform tackles information overload, collaboration and business liberation
 - Case studies and business examples of companies using Google Apps 

Discussion leader: Mitch Greenwald, founder of Cloudbakers

Mitch is a business and technology leader who is constantly pushing the
leading (but not the bleeding) edge. He has always been an advocate for
consistency, simplicity and value. As the CIO at a $300M Human Resource company, Mitch recently researched, experimented and implemented numerous cloud models. Based on his passion for the cloud, it was imperative that Mitch get back to his roots and form Cloudbakers. The mission of Cloudbakers is to help other businesses realize the consistency, simplicity and value that the cloud has to offer.

Mitch's balanced perspective includes product development, operations,
consulting, and executive leadership. Mitch has spoken at many industry
events and many of the products and projects he has worked on have won industry awards.

Join us on 10/25!


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