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New Meetup: Polish Happy Hour

From: Karol
Sent on: Saturday, September 12, 2009, 12:34 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Los Angeles Polish Group!

What: Polish Happy Hour

When: September 25,[masked]:30 PM

West 4th / Jane
1432A 4th St
Santa Monica, CA

"Polish Happy Hour" occurs all over the world and the next Los Angeles event is Sept 25th. I've never been to one - let's try it out!

Here's a repost of their description:

A brand new venue has opened up on 4th street that has a relaxed
atmosphere which welcomes everyone to hang out and have a good time.
This place boasts a grand list of beers and wine, with connect four
games scattered around the bar. After a long week at work come join us
to unwind, network, and practice your Polish. If you feel like dancing
Zanzibar is a short walking distance from the bar.


When: 8:30pm-closing

Parking: There's a parking structure next to the restaurant, with a
few spots on Santa Monica.

Drink Specials: Beers depend on the brand and range anywhere from
$3-$7, wine & bubbly ranges from $8-$12 per glass. The only hard
alcohol is sake

We're looking forward to seeing all of you there!

The PHH LA Team

Learn more here: