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Re: [indiefilm-172] The Mobile Comedy Show Trailer (created by Mike Hurley)

From: Korey M.
Sent on: Friday, November 2, 2012, 3:25 AM

Hello everyone this is Korey. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am still looking for characters for my movie trailer Souled Forsaken. I'm planning on having another screening next Thursday the 8th. It will be at the chamber of commerce center in Apache Junction, I will post the address soon. It will probably be from 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm. Please let me know if any of you are interested so I can get an idea of how many people to expect.
The first character is Maynard, he is the main character of the story. He has long hair preferably brownish light or dark, he's down to earth but has a rough edge to him. He's a bad ass. He can have a mustache, beard/goatee or not. He's in his 30's to 40's. Brown or blue eyes. Regular to medium build.

I need two crazy looking people that will be in scrubs, 20's to 40's. Can be a male and a female or two males. Right now I only need them for one shot. 

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