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TallCat Studios for Comedic Commercial Casting - paid gig

From: Tamara M.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 19, 2014, 6:02 PM

Hey folks - gotta paid acting gig here. If you are interested please DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL - instead please contact Joe at the number below ASAP as the commercial is shooting this weekend. Break a leg. :)Tammy


Character Breakdown:

Mom - Busty, very attractive, apparently going for that MILF vibe.  Preferably with suitable young children

Kid 1 - 3-4 Years old

Kid 2 - 4-5 Years old

Convenience store clerk - Of Middle Eastern / Indian Decent

Foreign Lang Guy 2 - Any one who can speak an Eastern Language

Delivery Guy - Average looking male, perhaps rounder? Jolly-looking?

Male - Partner of female who exits gas station, nondescript

Female - Partner of male who exits gas station, nondescript

Scary Man - Very Big Scary looking biker / Rock dude

Man on Cell phone - square-jaw, handsome business-looking guy.

40 Additional Random People - Looking for a large variety of people to eat a Dorito for an outro shot.



Tall Cat Studios

(832) 910-TALL(8255)



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