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New Meetup: If you teach us Nihongo, we'll teach you English...

From: UNCLE A.
Sent on: Monday, October 12, 2009, 8:11 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for New York City English as a Second Language (ESL)!

What: If you teach us Nihongo, we'll teach you English...

When: October 15,[masked]:00 PM

Citigroup Center's lower level Atrium
153 East 53rd Street at Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10022


Are you a NIHONGO speaker or teacher?

YOU teach us Nihongo.
WE teach you English.


Very simple !!!

More participants:

Citigroup Center
lower level Atrium
53rd St/Lexington Ave
New York, NY 10022

E, V to 53 St/Lex
or #6 to 51st St

Learn more here:

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