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Chicago's Ukulele Historian, Musicologist, 'Voice of Ukulele': Fred Fallin!

From: GiGi W.
Sent on: Sunday, January 5, 2014, 7:51 PM
Aloha All ~

If you're into the Ukulele then you've heard the name, Fred Fallin. He's 'up' there with great artists from around the world, a living legend and Chicago icon. He's a walking 'encyclopedia', a historian and musicologist, knows more about the Ukulele and its history than some of the Hawaiians themselves. He knows more about 'Tin Pan Alley', Hawaiian songs than anyone I know. He is a true artist.

And though he's played and rubbed elbows with countless legends through the decades, and is welcomed like royalty wherever he goes, Fred is one of the sweetest, caring persons I know. 

Fred and I developed a strong friendship over the years, one that is based on a mutual respect for each other. We're both strong advocates and passionate about the Ukulele, Hawai'i, and Hawaiian music and culture. He's also been very supportive of our Wonderwall business, recommending and sending many uke buyers our way.

Fred has been ill for quite some time and his recovery has been slow and long. My husband and I will be visiting him soon, with ukuleles in hand. Like Fred and many others say, 'music is the best medicine'. Your prayers and good wishes are greatly appreciated.

I invite you to Join his Facebook Fan club which is run by a friend of his. 

Hope to see some of you at this Tuesday (north suburbs) and Wednesday (south suburbs) Uke meetups!

Mahalo ~
GiGi Wong-Monaco, 
Founder/Organizer/Bookings/Solo or Group Performances/Ukulele Lessons
'Chicagoland's most 'seriously fun' Ukulele group!'
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