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Re: [WordPress-Brisbane] Woocommerce Purchase Orders

From: Catherine G.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 20, 2014, 11:55 AM
Hi Robert

Ditto Jen.

For House of Ezis's Formal Wear section, which requires clients to book in for a fitting (See here we used a plugin  WooCommerce Email Inquiry & Cart Options PRO. 

It allows you to apply the booking form to some items and not others. So smaller items can go through the regular cart process and for the larger ones the customer could make a booking to confirm with the supplier and make the delivery arrangements. There are a few complications with this option depending on what other plugins you are using so let me know if you're thinking of going that way. 


On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 10:19 AM, Jennifer Jeavons <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi Robert,

You can just use BACS, cheque or COD in the checkout options. That should do it!


Jen Jeavons | Director

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Robert Wilde
20 August 2014 10:13

Hi Everyone,


I am working on a new site with Woocommerce and need to configure it without a payment gateway, for now, and send purchase orders on checkout. Client would like to implement EFT payment system and needs to confirm items as some stock is small and fits in a box and some needs a folk lift and large truck to move.


Can anyone recommend plugin/add-on they use to do this?




Robert Wilde


Technology Consultant


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