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Book Club Meeting - Sat 27/June 2pm

From: Nerida
Sent on: Thursday, June 25, 2009, 10:05 AM
Hi Book readers,
I hope you are well and enjoying some sunshine today! Can you believe it is only 2 more sleeps until our Meeting. I?m very excited but I still have a bit of one of the books to go so a little bit worried too. I might have to do a bit of speed-reading on Saturday morning over my coffee.

At this Saturday 27/June meeting (starts 2pm) we can decide on the book and confirm the exact date for our next meetup.

We have had a couple of suggestions already, some carried over from our May meeting so I will note them down for people to think about, but other suggestions will be welcomed;
The Book Thief -Markus Zusak
The Life of Pi ? Yann Martel
Demons ? Fyodor Dostoevsky
Breath ? Tim Winton

If your plans have changed and you can?t attend don?t forget to update the meeting RSVP list. It might be short notice but some other people from the waiting list may be keen to take your spot!
Have a great day,

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