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From: Sunil L.
Sent on: Monday, April 14, 2014, 2:28 PM

Hello Ashburn Chess club members,


We had a successful scholastic tournament on 4/13. The rating updates can be found at the USCF site.




Search for the event id: [masked]




Future Events and Tournaments:


1)      April 11, 2014: Friday night Blitz Tournament - Open and U1200 sections :


2)     April 13, 2014: Sixth scholastic chess tournament -


13)      May 25, 2014: Seventh scholastic chess tournament -


The details of the April/May tournaments can be found at the Ashburn chess club meet up site ( or at the club's website ( Payments can be made using PayPal at the website. Please make sure to choose the appropriate event for registering as there are multiple events available to register at this site.



Sunil & RK

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