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New Meetup: Crazy Ole Uncle Billy is throwing a party

From: 007
Sent on: Sunday, April 26, 2009, 10:53 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Austin Beer Meetup Group!

What: Crazy Ole Uncle Billy is throwing a party

When: April 30,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: I am going to be doing something a little out of the ordinary this day, (not drink) but I wanted to make sure that all of you barley pop lovers get a chance to enjoy some great brew and que from our crazy Uncle Billy. Ryan, Brian and the crew have been cooking up some great stuff in the mash ton and they want to share with all of us.

Here are a few details:

Specials from 11am to 1am (yep 13 hours of Uncle Billy fun)
$2.00 home brews
$2.00 off food
Bands playing at 3pm, 5pm. 7pm and 9pm
Free parking and shuttle service to Uncle Billy's (total bonus if you park at the UB lot on Sterzing street)

Now this is going to be one of those events where you will more than likely not find a table reserved for us, so take a looksy at the people signed up to be there and look for them. I am sure that we will be floating all around the place so don't despair.

Learn more here: