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New Meetup: Free Beer! Independence 1st Sat tour & taste

From: elizabeth
Sent on: Thursday, July 23, 2009, 9:48 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Austin Beer Meetup Group!

What: Free Beer! Independence 1st Sat tour & taste

When: August 1,[masked]:00 PM

Independence Brewing Company
3913 Todd Ln
Austin, TX 78744

Yup, it's that time again....

I'll be getting my beer on at the Independence Brewery for their oh so yummy monthly open house & am inviting the group to come along.

It may be hot or it may be just right but as always I suggest bringing sunscreen, a chair, and any little thing that helps you stay cool in the heat.

Last month they had BBQ/Burgers for purchase (about $5) & It's always suggested to leave a tip or two so bring cash if you plan on eating or tipping. Also for the newbies, or those who do not already own an Independence glass, you may purchase a pint glass for $6 & this guaranties you a little more tasting of the free brew.

As it gets closer to the event I'll know best as to how you all can find me & where I'll plant myself once I get there. If there is enough breeze that day I'll try and snag the sofas again or I may just try to suffer outside near the building line for shade. Last month left everyone pretty much melted and salty fresh so fair warning that the summer months Independence meetups are not for the faint of heart ...or those who prefer air conditioned venues.

Any questions, concerns, or Hellos can be sent to email/twitter [address removed]

I look forward to seeing you there!!

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