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Chuck Bush & Family Needing Your Prayers for Full Recovery to Health

From: Susie L.
Sent on: Saturday, October 16, 2010, 3:57 PM
Chuck Bush & Family Needing Your Prayers for Full Recovery to Health

Chuck Bush in our prayers as he went to Emergency Room 2 nights ago with skyrocket high blood pressure and found to have a stroke these posts are the latest. We ask for your continuous prayers for his full recovery.

The Latest from Chuck Bush on Facebook

Chuck Bush "Dear friends, I wanted to write you while I still can. The stroke progresses but i feel your prayers. Thank you. I love you all. Pls keep praying." 5 hours ago (Saturday morning)

The Latest from Angie Bush on Facebook Late Last Night

UPDATE: "dr's have found it IS a full-blown stroke AND it is still in progress! Chuck's left side is "asleep", he struggles with VERY limited use of the arm and leg. there is a blockage in his brain stem, the dr's have given him new meds & have ordered another scan in the morning to determine how bad the blockage is & take next steps. thank you for your prayers, your thoughts, your visits! what a blessing!" 15 hours ago

Chuck, you are continuously in our prayers for full recovery, health, wealth, and prosperity. Angie, you and children are also in our prayers for comfort during these hard times. Yours in Christ,
