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FW: New Reel Resolution

From: Vanessa D.
Sent on: Friday, February 27, 2015, 5:56 PM
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February 23, 2015

2015 ACTING Resolutions:
Get a REEL.

The second month of the new year is coming to a close. What Acting Resolutions have you made? Was one of them to make a reel? How's that coming along? At Shoot My Reel, we make it a reality! We collaborate to tailor each clip just for you. Your NEW REEL RESOLUTION is ready for you. What are you waiting for?


Hollywood South is buzzing! With so many productions, everything seems to be moving faster. You may be getting submitted, but are you getting called in? A picture says a thousand words; think of what a reel can do. Did you know that actors with reels have a higher percent success rate at getting a callback? It makes a REEL difference! SEE THE DIFFERENCE HERE and CONTACT US TODAY!

We'll see you on set!

Shoot My Reel

Give us a call today!

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